Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Bye Bye A-rod

Hey all - Sucks about the Yankees and all. But my Mets were out for a while now. Does anyone have Bullet's email address? I'd like to keep in touch with him too! What's new with everybody. I'm sure there's a whole lot going on since everyone's been too busy to post and communicate. It was 87 F yesterday and will drop to 47 F this week - I guess Fall has arrived.

and the Jets are 1-3? Is Armageddon upon us?

Here's a picture from back in the day. I think that's Steve's legs on the right - you can tell b/c he shaves them (I'm pretty sure).

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Farm Aid

Whelp, it was an amazing day at Farm Aid 2007. Randall's Island was a primo venue for a concert/festival such as this. We were pretty sweaty all day and limited the beer intake.

There was plenty of free Organic Milk and Organic String Cheese.
Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson and the classic rock guys were great but the younger crowd really picked up their energy when Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds, Matisyahu and Guster rocked the stage.

How's thing with everyone else? Keep in touch!

Friday, August 03, 2007


So I'm in the Deli downstairs today. Yeah we live above a Deli. Nothing too glamorous. Nice beer selection - funny smell though. So yeah it's like 98°F (not C like Al Gore predicted, typical Democratic FARSE!) Anyway it's Hot. I'm really hung over (still kinda am) and at that moment some guy (probably a Communist - because of his bright blue Mets jersey) turns and says to me... oh you'll love his. HE says "Hot enough for ya'?" I swear I nearly crapped myself. So typical of strangers. I hate those people who get all awkward when a public place is silent. I on the other hand love it - frigging love it! That's actually why I like libraries. They're quiet like cemeteries. Books creep me out to no end - but not as much as dead people do.

So it's nice and quiet just me Martin-the-sandwich-guy, this douche-bag-silence-killer and Mike-the-Deli-guy. It could have been his brother Tony, I get em' confused sometimes. Anyway I am so happy at that point to be in A/C since we only have units in our bedrooms. It's nice and cool - and for a moment I had almost forgotten how blistery hot it was. HOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? That's how this guy is going to be remembered by me. If I see him again - that douche bag - all I'll be able to do is stare and wonder.

What if it were December? I bet I won't see him again till like January and it'll be all frigid out and he'll walk in to the same deli and order that same crappy Smoked Turkey Sandwich with Muenster Cheese (he seemed like a smart guy at first because he requested Boar's Head and all).
I Guarantee that this same freak will pop back into my Deli with one of those stupid wrap around ear muff things and an oversized Gap scarf that he bought "because it keeps me warm and still makes me look cool." And you know - not remembering the serious scarring I've been left with from 5 months earlier - you know what he'll say. "Cold enough for you?"

I'm not sure what I'd do at that point. Maybe just stare at him coldly and for an awkwardly long moment - just like I did toady. I did. I couldn't believe that he said it. Maybe it was the hangover taking control but all I could do was square up and face him (not but two feet apart) and stare, emotionless, and unsympathizing of the fact that his Dad probably did crap like that and he just didn't know any better. Whatever the reason I don't care. It's just the most asinine comment to make. So in 5 months, this guy pulls that type of shit again... there's no telling what I might do.

And by the way. I was the guy that said it. Yeah it was me. I used to always give my Dad crap when he'd talk to people. And there I was 27 years old living in Brooklyn - an almost functional member of the community. I did it. I still can't believe it.

"Hot enough for you?" As I stood waiting for my delicious hero today. And I feel bad for the poor Snapple delivery guy who was the recipient of my comment. I certainly deserved his stare. Hopefully I don't run into that guy in January. There's just no telling what he might do.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Man I miss her...

Ever since I sold my 1990 Nissan 240SX - Life just hasn't been the same. Mt new ride sucks... She's never on time, she stops running for no reason, she smells and is rarely air conditioned. Sometimes she is filled with homeless people or random drunks (present company included) Who is she? The F-train is my new ride. And the F-train sucks.

People say, "Well Melnick, you're being green. You're doing your part." This may be true. Each barrel of gasoline we buy, extends the time US troops remain as an occupying force in a foreign land. I'd hate to admit it... but even though mass transit sucks, at least I'm not an enabler. Not enabling the use of force to secure oil interests. Sure miss that 240SX.

Welcome Family

Papa Bear has requested that we keep in touch Via Email. SO here I am initiating the exchange.
We can use this online service to spread the word of going-ons in the wonderful world of MELNICKs & Co. Please send this to any family that might be interested. I'll try to keep the content non-religious, and non-political... leaving me pretty much nothing to "talk" to yall about.

That's all for now. You can add comments through my posts, with Summer almost upon us, I'll have the time to be a "web-master" of sorts. Post away.

Saturday, September 11, 2004


Welcome to My Home Page. I will update as frequently as my schedule allows. I look forward to this year.
Remeber the most important thing about me - I am here to help you reach your goals as a member of the International Political Economy.